Friday, October 9, 2015


So uh hey... I think I'm gonna try and do some more fusions for you guys, and drawings may or may not be on the way. A friend of mine is into Pokemon, and he made a suggestion last year, but while I was drawing it on Pokemon Art Academy on my 3DS I dropped my DS and the game card popped out and lost the almost done drawing :/ So I might try it again, with him being the SB (obviously) But right now I have a new Pokefusion that I just finished and it is my new favorite one of mine. So here you go, my new favorite Pokefusion of mine...


So that's all there is for today, read again next time on the Pokemon People! Buhbai!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


    Sooooo....sorry..? I've been neglecting you guys so much, this is just something I can't commit to. Don't click away! I'm not shutting this down, no sirree. But I do have some stuff to talk about, blog-wise and Pokemon news-wise.

    I bet everyone by now has heard of "Pokemon Z," but it still hasn't been confirmed DESPITE what the internet may tell you. But now is as good a time as any to believe that because the new season of the anime has been announced and it's called "XY and Z." Okay, now you're not even trying to make it a secret anymore, if you're making a game just tell us PLZ. But we got some new stuff with this, that being that big shadow thing that everyone thought was a new Zygarde forme...oh wait yea they were right. I mean, I WAS RIGHT because I hopped on that bandwagon before it even came into the station. Thx Serebii! =^w^=  So, we also got Bob the Blob after that, and everyone thought THAT was a new Zygarde forme too...oh wait yea they were right. I mean, I WAS RI- wait I already said that. So then Coro Coro's all like, "LOOK MORE STUFF! FEED MY BABIES, FEED!" and we got two additional Zygarde formes, as well as the confirmation of the first 2 being Zygarde things. SO I guess they're technically not FORMES, but they are parts of Zygarde. Lemme run through this:

  • There's Zygarde Cell, the flat things that look like Cores that were run over and all their bodily fluids were just squeezed out until they became transparent. 
  • There's Zygarde Core (Bob the Blob), and they are the brains of all the other forms except Cell. They are positioned all around and act as security cameras of Kalos, or maybe even the world!
  • Then is Zygarde 10%, which is a speedy dog made when 10% of the Cores come together.
  • Then is Zygarde 50%, which is the one we all know and ha-LOVE! He watches the Kalos region from within his cave using the security camera Cores I talked about earlier, remember?
  • Then is Zygarde Perfect Forme, otherwise known as the menacing shadow thingy. It is only formed in desperate situations in which the world is at stake, which makes me wonder why it didn't come out and destroy the Ultimate Weapon in X and Y (or from 3000 years ago for that matter IDK iz all messed up. I think this may not be official but it might be...?)
   So now into the blog issue...
   I can't remember to ever post on here because I have a life and I'm very forgetful. I have to go to 7th grade now, which is kinda scary since I got into the advanced math class, Pre-Algebra. But even during the summer I only posted a few times because even though I have this blog as a favorite and can see it every time I open up Google Chrome and the entire time I'm using it. But I never think to check or post or anything and I don't know why. Another concern of mine is that even though I put so much time and effort into typing these often emotion filled posts, no one is reading them. Page views are few and far between and my record for the most amount of pageviews in one day when I never clicked on it (other than to check) was around 16. That is such a small number because no one wants to read this. No one goes in their search bar and thinks, "I'm gonna look up 'The Pokemon People,' this thing I have never heard of and am just thinking of now," and see it pop up and decide to read on. At least on something like Youtube there's the sidebar every time you watch something that shows you similar things, even if that video hasn't been viewed 2 million times. How do you think something goes viral? One person sees it and it spirals. But blogs are different...if you are reading a Pokemon blog or going on Bulbapedia or something there isn't gonna be a recommended websites to check out with my blog just chilling there. So I'm not sure if this rant of why I have to pageviews is even going to be read because I have no pageviews. I'm not sure what to do. I know that if I give up I will never get any, but I'm not really getting any even after I put so much effort into these posts that I DO do. So I'm stuck. If anyone reads this, please comment down below. Even if you have nothing to say, or never post anything, please just say some Dr. Seuss stuffz and pull a Horton Hears a Hoo and say "We are here." Anything will make me keep doing this, just to let me know that this isn't for nothing, please. If you read this, type something, ANYTHING, in the comments. I don't care what it is, even hate mail or something. Just to let me know that there are actually people out there who care. Thanks.

So that's all for today, read again  next time on the Pokemon People! Buhbai!

Friday, July 17, 2015


Ugh... <facepalm> Why have I done this to myself??? I waited so long from posting I SRYZ til now that I've pretty much forgotten about what the heck happened in the Delta Episode...Give me a sec I'll look it up online..... OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO

        Okay! I got Serebii open in another tab so I can try to refresh my memory. Let's start...

        The Delta Episode starts off with Prof. Cozmo in Mossdeep Space Center being alerted that there is a meteoroid hurtling straight for the Hoenn region, to be more specific, a place off the course of Route 131. A grunt (for me an Aqua Grunt because I play AS, as you may know) is seen taking off her uniform, which somehow was able to have Zinnia's outfit perfectly fine underneath.
         You spawn (as the previous has all been a cutscene) in your bedroom. When you go downstairs your dad gives you 2 tickets to the Star Show, and says that you should bring your rival (for me Brendan) with you. When you go out the door to go to your rival's house, Zinnia is there to greet you. She's like, "Hey what's up, I'm Zinnia," and then kinda bails. When you get to your rival's house they say that a woman, obviously Zinnia, took their Keystone by attacking them then bailed once again to go to Petalburg City for some reason. When you get there Courtney or Matt will be there confronting Wally because they want his Keystone. Everyone is too lazy to get their own Keystone, apparently, and just go to random people's houses hoping that they have a Keystone for them to take. Nice, real nice. When they see you they will want YOUR Keystone too. Nice, real nice. So you battle it out until you ultimately win because they only have one Pokemon, to which they respond by telling you exactly where they are going and what you should do to defeat them in the process. Why not just tell me where it hurts the most when I hit you and what you had for lunch, too. Oh yeah, also, turns out someone already took Wally's Keystone anyway...I wonder who, I just can't seem to figure out this confusing and puzzling problem at hand?

        Next off, in Rustboro, Steven is all like, "Hey, you again! Listen to me tell you something because I never stop talking to you about things you probably don't care about!" and proceeds to do just that. So he tells me about that thing from X and Y about the war and the great weapon from 3000 years ago made by AZ. So, to make sure his lineage stays in every good story, says  that his grandfather used the story to somehow make Infinity Energy, somehow. Then he's all like, "Oh yea, and there is also a meteoroid that is hurtling towards Hoenn that will most likely kill all of us. Go fix it because I am so incapable of doing it myself that I must have a 10-12 year old do it for me."

     So on your journey you go to Granite Cave because Steven mentioned that too. Zinnia is looking at that same thing the Steven was looking that, which worries me because I don't want her to have the same role as dependant-Steven over here. Ya battle her team of Tyrantrum, Salamence, and Goodra (all of which are Dragon Types) and beat her because you are just that awesome. She gives you that shard thing you were supposed to get for Devon Corp that you already probably forgot about. So you go to Mossdeep and give the thing to the person to further progress the story, Now you have to go to Meteor Falls to get another one of those shard things. Steven is there, AGAIN, and then you talk to this lady that has nothing to do with Zinnia at all. She tells you things that you probably don't listen to about Rayquaza and stuff and you're just waiting for the opportunity to get one.

      Go to Rustboro, beat the grunts, leave Rustboro.

      Go to Mossdeep, beat a horde of Mightyena, beat Team Admin, Zinnia says something Game-Theory-Esque stuff that makes all the Pokemon Theorists tear their hair out. But I get it...
 So pretty much there's the universe that has Mega Evolution, which most likely includes X and Y and ORAS. The other generations go into the OTHER universe that doesn't have Mega Evolutions, including RSE. That's what I got out of it anyway. So after that enlightening conversation, she goes back to her roots and Zinnia STEALS THE ADMINS KEY STONE. So you go to the Hideout and beat some guys, then you find Zinnia (she really gets around) beating the Boss and the other Admin, who then gives you the Mega Stone for whichever Pokemon they specialize in (Sharpedonite for TA and Cameruptite for TM). Go BACK to Mossdeep, then to the Cave of Origin with Wallace to break the seal of the Sky Pillar.  You learn that apparently the tree outside the Cave of Origin was a gift from a huge man from the Kalos region, obviously AZ, and if you look closely the flower from AZ's special Floette can be seen in the patch around the tree.
     Battle Wallace, and go into the Sky Pillar. As you climb Zinnia will tell a story that I don't feel like explaining because this is too long anyways. Capture Rayquaza and Zinnia will teach it Dragon Ascent. She challenges you with a full team of dragons, one of which being Mega Salamence. DO you defeat Zinnia, put on your suit from when you did that thing with Groudon/Kyogre, and go into space to break that meteoroid. SUDDENLY, DEOXYS!!!!! Things happen and then you have a romantic moment with your rival or whatever. The End.

So that's all for today, read again next time on the Pokemon People! Buhbai!


Yea.....remember that last time when I said I was sorry for not publishing anything for a while....then I wrote a cliffhanger....then I waited even longer than I did in between the two I was really sorry about to write the continuation of the cliffhanger? (Oh no, I'm turning into Game Theory!!! xD) Yea, it's okay, I hate me too.

To be  fair and honest the only reason I never published it was because I was working really hard on describing everything all nice and perfect, I even had Serebii up and everything, and it was taking a LONG TIME. But then.... I accidently clicked the 'page back' button on the side of my mouse because it's right where I put my thumb! How could I NOT click it all the time? Sooo, I lost my progress and I had to start over. Luckily I hadn't done a whole lot, and I had saved when I finished the opening paragraph so I didn't have to start ALL over. But then....I was almost done with the blog....when I did it again. UGH why am I so dumb? I mean, I think that's what happened anyway, it was quite some time ago. But to any of my possible readers, I don't even know if people read this thing, I can't bring myself thru that again. It was SOOO long anyways and for what? I don't even know if anyone reads this blog....

But I will continue! Just not continue my to be continued because that was SOOOOO long. But don't worry, because if you do read this, I will try to post more often. It IS summer, so I can't even say that school is getting in the way like I could before. But alas, I just hope someone reads this. =^w^=

EDIT: Okay so I will post at least SOME of the Delta Episode stuff because I found some stuff lifet over in my drafts that is salvageable! So look forward to that!

So that's all for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

Saturday, April 18, 2015


OK, I'm SOOOOOOOOO SORRY!!!!!!!!!! I haven't posted in AGES even though I have important things to talk about. So here comes the fun part: This blog will be LOOONNGGG, and I mean LOONNNNGGGG. So I guess it's not the fun part if you don't like long blogs...whoops...

      OK, so in ORAS lots of things have happened...important lots of things. I beat the Elite Four and the Champion! Yup, I overcame my fears of KO'ing and just went with it. And I did it, first try. ^o^ I don't know how I survived with my team, but I did it. Eclipse and Arabia had to level up, but I trained them up and we did it, we really did it. Lemme go through each member as I remember it, but it was a while ago so bear with me, guys!

  1. Sidney: I thought that Sidney was a Fire-Type Elite Four Member. I swear, I really did. When you're coming up to the entrance, you can't tell that it's a Dark-Type Elite Four Member. Not only that, but (to me at least) Sidney TOTALLY looks like a Fire-Type trainer. Am I only one who thinks this? Really? Leave you're thoughts down below, ya know, if ya want. But other than leading with Roly Poly to counter his "Fire-Type Pokemon," I had no trouble taking him down, if I remember correctly.

  2. Phoebe: Phoebe looks like a Water-Type Elite Four Member, but I knew previously that she was Ghost-Type not only due to her little introduction on the platform leading up to her chamber of sorts, but I knew because of the whole "Ghost Girl" thing. Her team wasn't that bad, but OH does it have one of my WORST pet-peeves of Pokemon: Multiples. OH BOY I hate it when a trainer or especially a Gym Leader or Elite Four Member or Champion has more than one of the SAME POKEMON. UUGGGHHH WWHHHYYY??? You have so many Pokemon to choose from and you have TWO or THREE of the SAME ONE!?!?!? It really rubs me the wrong way, but at least it's better than from the original when she had two different Pokemon that she had two of each.'

  3. Glacia: GLACEON. First thing I think of when I walk up to this lady is Glaceon, because the translation of Glaceon's name from Japanese to English is Glacia. Only reason I know it is cuz of my escapades in Pokemon X where I had one of each Eeveelution and named them each after the translation of their Japanese names. But let's get to the battle: She was pretty hard for me. I don't know why, but she was kinda hard. I think that it's mostly because of Arabia being taken out soon, if I remember correctly. But once I got going, she went down fast.

  4. Drake: What is it with Hoenn and their misleading Elite Four design choices??? Other than his name, how does he look like a DRAGON-TYPE TRAINER?!?!? But Drake was really easy to take down because of Vynes's Dragon Claw that could take them all down without having it be Super-Effective against me. Roly Poly's Blizzard helped too.

Steven was pretty hard, but not too bad. I think I had two Pokemon left after beating him, but his Cradily was hard to deal with just because of it's typing that was hard to figure out. But I still lost a good amount of my team to him. Although in the long run I did end up winning the battle and beating Steven, being entered into the Hall of Fame. And then:


~=<>This blog is to be continued<>=~

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

My Pokemon Character!

   This image was made by someone who isn't me. This character has no name. She trains dark, psychic, and water types. And, uHHH (*cough* tAVROS nITRAM *cough cough cough*), yeh. She looks cool. I don't even know.
   Keep on blogging, ~Gone

Saturday, March 28, 2015


OK, like the title above ^^^ says, this will be another quickie, but an important one none the less!

     We are getting another author!

     Now, I won't go into much detail about her, but we go to school together (liek all the other authors here) and -- of course! -- she loves Pokemon! I won't say her name in case she has an alias she would liek to go by to keep her name a secret. I mean, no one on here goes by their actual name, but Ana and I are just going by shortened versions of our names. So, everyone reading please welcome our new author when she does her first post, lemme tell you that she is one of my closest friends! When I asked her on the bus ride home, she gladly accepted and will be posting any time soon. I'm pretty sure she will be talking about her Pokemon card collection mostly, since she doesn't own any Pokemon video games. But, you can definitely expect more from me along with our mystery friend.

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

Saturday, February 28, 2015


OK, I just wanted to say this quick to eliminate any possible misunderstandings:

    This blog is not going to become a blog just for drawings and splices. I will still continue to make regular Pokemon AS updates and the only reason I haven't made any in a while is because, well, I don't have anything to update about :/ But, I just wanted to make it clear just in case there were any concerns among the readers of this blog that there would be no more AS. I didn't get any concerns from anyone, but I just wanted to say this anyway so that I wouldn't have to do it later on. That's all!

   One other thing that may come up is that this blog, even though it's called The Pokemon People, doesn't have "people." It has one person who updates regularly (although without a schedule) and then there is the one who sometimes does something and the one who made a post introducing themselves and then forgot about this post, although I won't say who *cough* Ana *cough*. But I just want to remind everyone (or say for the first time, idk) that we are just a few 12-year-old girls who write some stuffz on the interwebz every now and again. We can't really guarantee a schedule because if we do, then if we either forget or can't post, then the people will be mad. And we can't have that! So, just be patient while I go to school and slap Ana a few times and tell her to post on my darn blog. Just kidding (not)!

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Okay, hi again guys and today I just wanted to add another drawing and talk about a little something going on.

   First of all, I recently drew another picture, this time of:

Whimsicott and Cottonee!

     It took me 2 days, but it could have been done in 1 if I had worked more vigilantly on it.

     The other thing I wanted to talk briefly about was the competition currently going on on Miiverse for Pokemon Art Academy. I am going to enter a few pictures on it and if you spot this picture, the Magnemite I posted last time, or an Absol I will post soon, be sure to give it a "Yeah!" if you like it! All "Yeah!"s are greatly appreciated, although I'm not sure if it effects if I will win the competition or not. \(-_-)/ Oh well, just drawing the pictures are fun anyway, even if I don't win OwO

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

Monday, February 16, 2015


OK, so in a previous post not only did I explain Pokemon Splices (and then post some) I also said that I would be posting some of the drawings I do in Pokemon Art Academy. Now, since when I make them they are saved to my SD card on my 3DS (which I just had to get a new one of because 2GB is not enough for 14 pages of 6 Pokemon drawings, not including the games I have downloaded/bought and the pictures I have taken) I do not have them on my computer. Therefore, I will be posting only drawings that I have already posted to Miiverse (account name prinzesslex1029) so don't check my account on there if you want to see a drawing on here, or vice versa.

     So today I shall be posting one of my favorite drawing that I have drawn completely freehand:

    This Pokemon drawing was suggested by our very own author, Anna! She said to draw a Magnemite and I went above and beyond with almost every tool in the game (except the marker). I hope you like it!

   So, this is the kind of thing I meant when I said Pokemon Drawings, and hopefully this will be a welcome addition to the TPP lineup.

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Ok, so last time I said that I would try to post more often by posting splices and drawings of Pokemon. Most of the time, I will only be doing one per post every once in a while. Now, my computer has a virus so I won't be able to use it and I haven't been; right now I am at my dad's house. But, today I shall post a few Pokefusions/splices to show off what exactly they are:

First is one of my personal favorites of my work, a combo of Gliscor and Skorupi!
Their names, from left to right on the bottom row are Gliskupi and Skoscor!
Next is one of my more recent Pokefusions that I am still proud of, Squirtle and Bulbasaur!
Their names are Squirtasaur and Bulbtle!

 Lastly is a VERY recent one (i just finished it before beginning this blog) Tauros and Haxorus!
This one is meant to be a kind of mythical beast, Chimaera I believe?
Their names are Haxauros and Tauxorus!
From this point forward, whenever I post any more of these I will be doing only one at a time, but today to introduce the subject matter I am being generous!

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

Friday, February 6, 2015


Hello again, it's me, Lex, and I have an announcement to make:
I am adding a few things to The Pokemon People. No, not people, THINGS.

By this I mean that I am going to be adding a few more, say, segments? I don't know what to call it, but what I'm trying to say is I will be doing some new things in my posts. These things (not people) are drawings of Pokemon and splices of Pokemon.

All of my drawings of Pokemon will be electronically drawn on a game by Nintendo/Game Freak called Pokemon Art Academy, where the only thing you do is DRAW and I LOVE it. If you don't know, I LOVE to draw and I LOVE Pokemon, so obviously a game where all you do is draw Pokemon is going to draw (eh, eh? Get it? Draawww?) my attention. I have had the game since it came out and have been drawing up a storm, both on the lessons that teach you how to draw Pokemon as well as Free Paint, where you can (don't have to) use a subject image and draw that Pokemon. You can also use no image or an image from your SD card. Some of the drawings I have done over the past few months I have used an outline to trace, some I have drawn freehand with a subject image, and some I have done completely freehand in my own pose with nothing but other original drawings and the official artwork. PHEW. That was a lot to say, well, type. You know what I mean.

The other thing that I mentioned was "Pokemon Splicing." This may be a new subject to some and it may be preschool stuff to others, but I will say anyways. Pokemon Splicing, sometimes called PokeFusions, are when the sprites (pixels that make up and image, usually in a video game) of two or more Pokemon are cut, copied, and pasted together to make a new Pokemon combination. This is a hobby of mine that I have recently taken up and I must admit I'm not that great at it, but you don't have to be good at something to like it! I will be posting some of these on this blog now so it will have not only more posts but also more interesting posts that will attract more people and give entertainment to a wider range of people in the world.

I hope that I can make my first drawing/splice post soon and that it will become a new staple in The Pokemon People for years to come (or however long this lasts). For drawings I have already done, check out my account on Miiverse (Nintendo's social media website that can be accessed from a computer, Wii U, or a system in the 3DS family) which is LexeeRayne, prinzesslex1029. My two other accounts, LexeeRayne, Espeonizzle, and LexeeRayne, Espeonizzle_2, are not usually posted on and will certainly not have any Pokemon related stuff unless they release a Pokemon game for the Wii U that I buy.

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Hi, this will be another short blog...I figure it's better for me to do often short blogs rather than massive blogs like once a year xD

     Anyway, I just wanted to say that Roly Poly evolved into a Walrein with a magnificent moustache! I beat Wallace and saved the world from Kyorge, killing it in the process...and I only cried for an hour! Haha, just kidding I just gasped in sadness and closed my 3DS for about five minutes before returning...*sigh*. But, I have yet to challenge the Elite Four and Champion because with all the switch outs I did late-game, half my Pokemon are WAAAY under-leveled, so I'm gonna have to grind. UGH! At the moment, I am standing in the middle of nowhere Super-Training all my Pokes so they can be the very best, like no one ever was.

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on  The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Ok, I know I just posted yesterday but I need to do a tiny update to my play-log of AS (and if you've been reading so far and you don't know what I'm talking about, AS is Alpha Sapphire...just in case).
   Today, I did what needed to be done: I replaced Pelli for a Spheal from Shoal Cave. Today, I went to Shoal Cave and I walked and surfed around till I found a Spheal, whom of which I caught and named Roly Poly. He soon evolved into a Sealeo and I desperately want the cute little glass cannon to evolve into an even bigger glass cannon. Oh well, at least the water type bulks him up a bit, Thick Fat is pretty good for an Ice-Type, and being a seal/walrus upon evolution, I must admit he has pretty good HP (or defense, can't remember which he had better \(-_-)/ ). Overall, I haven't done much in-game other than get lost after getting Roly Poly on my team and forget where I was supposed to be going in the first place xD But, other than that there's noting else I have to add in this update, so since this was a short one I will do some questions:

  1. What is you're current team in ORAS?
  2. Have you switched out any team member from earlier on in the game? If so, whom?
So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

Monday, January 19, 2015


Ok, FINALLY! What you've all been waiting for...a post from me cuz I have neglected you all for sooo long. A lot has been going on and I decided that I should be nice to you all for once rather than be gone (haha) for such a long time *even though i did tell you in a previous post -_-*

   But I digress...AS has been a BLAST to play, and although I still haven't finished it (due to other things [Pokemon Art Academy... AKA: My LIFE]), I honestly don't want it to end. Just today I finally caught an Absol to replace my worn down Mightyena Fang (just not as powerful as almighty Absol) and named her Eclipse. Pelli (my Wingull) has evolved into a Pelipper and I'm thinking of possibly, maybe replacing her for a Walrein; Even though it has been a pain trying to level up Eclipse from her puny state of level 28 up to the 40's with the rest of my team (excluding one...). Harley has sadly been retired for a Numel named Arabia who today evolved into a Camerupt. She is the only other Pokemon on my team right now who isn't in the 40's (level 36). The rest of my team is about the same, except Vynes has evolved once again into a Sceptile and I now have a Latias I named Senorita courtesy of Steven and the Latios. Preydator my Dustox hasn't changed, other than the fact that he has learned Bug Buzz in exchange for Silver Wind. So, overall, my team is:

  • Eclipse, level 32 Absol
  • Arabia, level 36 Camerupt
  • Senorita, level 40 Latias
  • Pelli, level 43 Pelipper
  • Preydator, level 43 Dustox
  • Vynes, level 47 Sceptile

   For the rest of the game (other than my team) I just beat the 7th gym leaders Liza and Tate, who specialized in Psychic type. Overall, the battle was, well, underwhelming. Sure, I understand that when RS came out they had just then introduced double battles so they wanted to do something with it, so they made gym leaders for it, I get it, and I also want another gym to do this. I found it interesting, fun, and overall clever and a great way to introduce the concept. And, of course, for the remake you have to keep the same gym leaders with possibly updated designs. All of this is great and all, but they only had 2 Pokemon. Not 2 Pokemon each, 2 Pokemon total. This would have been great as, I don't know, the first or even second gym leader, I'm pushing it. But the 7TH GYM ONLY HAS TWO POKEMON?!?!?! This is just, UGH! It was so incredibly easy I hardly believed it. Sure, this is a kid's game and I myself am a kid, but this is redonkulous! The second to last gym, penultimate if you want to be classy, was even easier than the third gym. THE THIRD GYM!!! Yea, I see that they are kids (I thought you had to be ten to get a Pokemon (never mind be a gym leader), unless maybe you got one that's super low level from family, something like Youngster Joey and his STUPID RATTATA!!!), but if they are easy why are they leading up to the last gym, why are they so close to the Pokemon League?! Game Freak, you done goofed. I just-I just-I don't know...I just don't understand why Liza and Tate are supposed to be somewhat hard. I didn't even have anything to counter them other than Miss Under-Leveled Eclipse and Preydator, who is not only super-effective against but also weak to Psychic-types, so that wouldn't really help me all that much...but I still had no trouble taking down these stupid little third-graders (or whatever the heck they are). When I first saw that there were two gym leaders I was surprised and wicked excited, but I...just, NO. In, conclusion, the easiest way to say this is that I am really disappointed with these gym leaders, but they would have made a great gym earlier on in the game.

   Whew, now that that's over lemme just calm down for a sec...ok I think I'm alright now. Took me so long, I think I'm at that point where I should end off this ranty edition of TPP.

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I'm sorry!!!! (And Alpha Sapphire Review-ish)

   Hai gaiz.... It's Gone again.... I've been reading Homestuck ( and kind of forgot about this blog to be honest. >m< Anyways, I got Pokemon Alpha Sapphire for Chirstmas so I guess I can talk about that...?

    I've only beaten the first gym due to my 3DS being glitchy as heck and making it more of a trite to play than a pleasure. But I digress.

   The game overall has been pretty fun so far. My starter was Mudkip and the DexNav feature is just encouraging me to complete my dex even more than just my urge to get the shiny charm in X. (Cuz udsgaehlbwafihsbcajiwg-ofcyalbnfjkebwauifgo;abfuo-shfuidhanjdbyufgohqd-lhiguodrfuin did it bug me that I didn't have that thing.)

   The ability to customize your character's appearance being removed was.... an intriguing choice for GameFreak to say the least. Once I beat X, I loved just making money to go waste it on clothes for my character that I probably will never/rarely use. It was a feature that I did enjoy so I'm not too crazy about it being taken out of ORAS.

  My character's father being a gym leader certainly fascinated me once I first came across it. A few questions came to mind. What role will this play in the story? Will I receive the gym badge from my character's father wether or not I defeat him just because my character is his daughter? Will my character's father being a gym leader cause the game's team of antagonists to target him? However, because (as stated previously) I haven't yet beaten this game, I do not know the answers to my questions. Yet. >:l

   Ernerher, I don't really have any more input for this post, to be honest. Thanks for reading! Keep on blogging, ~Gone