Saturday, April 18, 2015


OK, I'm SOOOOOOOOO SORRY!!!!!!!!!! I haven't posted in AGES even though I have important things to talk about. So here comes the fun part: This blog will be LOOONNGGG, and I mean LOONNNNGGGG. So I guess it's not the fun part if you don't like long blogs...whoops...

      OK, so in ORAS lots of things have happened...important lots of things. I beat the Elite Four and the Champion! Yup, I overcame my fears of KO'ing and just went with it. And I did it, first try. ^o^ I don't know how I survived with my team, but I did it. Eclipse and Arabia had to level up, but I trained them up and we did it, we really did it. Lemme go through each member as I remember it, but it was a while ago so bear with me, guys!

  1. Sidney: I thought that Sidney was a Fire-Type Elite Four Member. I swear, I really did. When you're coming up to the entrance, you can't tell that it's a Dark-Type Elite Four Member. Not only that, but (to me at least) Sidney TOTALLY looks like a Fire-Type trainer. Am I only one who thinks this? Really? Leave you're thoughts down below, ya know, if ya want. But other than leading with Roly Poly to counter his "Fire-Type Pokemon," I had no trouble taking him down, if I remember correctly.

  2. Phoebe: Phoebe looks like a Water-Type Elite Four Member, but I knew previously that she was Ghost-Type not only due to her little introduction on the platform leading up to her chamber of sorts, but I knew because of the whole "Ghost Girl" thing. Her team wasn't that bad, but OH does it have one of my WORST pet-peeves of Pokemon: Multiples. OH BOY I hate it when a trainer or especially a Gym Leader or Elite Four Member or Champion has more than one of the SAME POKEMON. UUGGGHHH WWHHHYYY??? You have so many Pokemon to choose from and you have TWO or THREE of the SAME ONE!?!?!? It really rubs me the wrong way, but at least it's better than from the original when she had two different Pokemon that she had two of each.'

  3. Glacia: GLACEON. First thing I think of when I walk up to this lady is Glaceon, because the translation of Glaceon's name from Japanese to English is Glacia. Only reason I know it is cuz of my escapades in Pokemon X where I had one of each Eeveelution and named them each after the translation of their Japanese names. But let's get to the battle: She was pretty hard for me. I don't know why, but she was kinda hard. I think that it's mostly because of Arabia being taken out soon, if I remember correctly. But once I got going, she went down fast.

  4. Drake: What is it with Hoenn and their misleading Elite Four design choices??? Other than his name, how does he look like a DRAGON-TYPE TRAINER?!?!? But Drake was really easy to take down because of Vynes's Dragon Claw that could take them all down without having it be Super-Effective against me. Roly Poly's Blizzard helped too.

Steven was pretty hard, but not too bad. I think I had two Pokemon left after beating him, but his Cradily was hard to deal with just because of it's typing that was hard to figure out. But I still lost a good amount of my team to him. Although in the long run I did end up winning the battle and beating Steven, being entered into the Hall of Fame. And then:


~=<>This blog is to be continued<>=~

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

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