Friday, July 17, 2015


Yea.....remember that last time when I said I was sorry for not publishing anything for a while....then I wrote a cliffhanger....then I waited even longer than I did in between the two I was really sorry about to write the continuation of the cliffhanger? (Oh no, I'm turning into Game Theory!!! xD) Yea, it's okay, I hate me too.

To be  fair and honest the only reason I never published it was because I was working really hard on describing everything all nice and perfect, I even had Serebii up and everything, and it was taking a LONG TIME. But then.... I accidently clicked the 'page back' button on the side of my mouse because it's right where I put my thumb! How could I NOT click it all the time? Sooo, I lost my progress and I had to start over. Luckily I hadn't done a whole lot, and I had saved when I finished the opening paragraph so I didn't have to start ALL over. But then....I was almost done with the blog....when I did it again. UGH why am I so dumb? I mean, I think that's what happened anyway, it was quite some time ago. But to any of my possible readers, I don't even know if people read this thing, I can't bring myself thru that again. It was SOOO long anyways and for what? I don't even know if anyone reads this blog....

But I will continue! Just not continue my to be continued because that was SOOOOO long. But don't worry, because if you do read this, I will try to post more often. It IS summer, so I can't even say that school is getting in the way like I could before. But alas, I just hope someone reads this. =^w^=

EDIT: Okay so I will post at least SOME of the Delta Episode stuff because I found some stuff lifet over in my drafts that is salvageable! So look forward to that!

So that's all for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

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