Thursday, February 19, 2015


Okay, hi again guys and today I just wanted to add another drawing and talk about a little something going on.

   First of all, I recently drew another picture, this time of:

Whimsicott and Cottonee!

     It took me 2 days, but it could have been done in 1 if I had worked more vigilantly on it.

     The other thing I wanted to talk briefly about was the competition currently going on on Miiverse for Pokemon Art Academy. I am going to enter a few pictures on it and if you spot this picture, the Magnemite I posted last time, or an Absol I will post soon, be sure to give it a "Yeah!" if you like it! All "Yeah!"s are greatly appreciated, although I'm not sure if it effects if I will win the competition or not. \(-_-)/ Oh well, just drawing the pictures are fun anyway, even if I don't win OwO

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

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