Saturday, February 28, 2015


OK, I just wanted to say this quick to eliminate any possible misunderstandings:

    This blog is not going to become a blog just for drawings and splices. I will still continue to make regular Pokemon AS updates and the only reason I haven't made any in a while is because, well, I don't have anything to update about :/ But, I just wanted to make it clear just in case there were any concerns among the readers of this blog that there would be no more AS. I didn't get any concerns from anyone, but I just wanted to say this anyway so that I wouldn't have to do it later on. That's all!

   One other thing that may come up is that this blog, even though it's called The Pokemon People, doesn't have "people." It has one person who updates regularly (although without a schedule) and then there is the one who sometimes does something and the one who made a post introducing themselves and then forgot about this post, although I won't say who *cough* Ana *cough*. But I just want to remind everyone (or say for the first time, idk) that we are just a few 12-year-old girls who write some stuffz on the interwebz every now and again. We can't really guarantee a schedule because if we do, then if we either forget or can't post, then the people will be mad. And we can't have that! So, just be patient while I go to school and slap Ana a few times and tell her to post on my darn blog. Just kidding (not)!

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

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