Saturday, March 28, 2015


OK, like the title above ^^^ says, this will be another quickie, but an important one none the less!

     We are getting another author!

     Now, I won't go into much detail about her, but we go to school together (liek all the other authors here) and -- of course! -- she loves Pokemon! I won't say her name in case she has an alias she would liek to go by to keep her name a secret. I mean, no one on here goes by their actual name, but Ana and I are just going by shortened versions of our names. So, everyone reading please welcome our new author when she does her first post, lemme tell you that she is one of my closest friends! When I asked her on the bus ride home, she gladly accepted and will be posting any time soon. I'm pretty sure she will be talking about her Pokemon card collection mostly, since she doesn't own any Pokemon video games. But, you can definitely expect more from me along with our mystery friend.

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

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