Saturday, February 7, 2015


Ok, so last time I said that I would try to post more often by posting splices and drawings of Pokemon. Most of the time, I will only be doing one per post every once in a while. Now, my computer has a virus so I won't be able to use it and I haven't been; right now I am at my dad's house. But, today I shall post a few Pokefusions/splices to show off what exactly they are:

First is one of my personal favorites of my work, a combo of Gliscor and Skorupi!
Their names, from left to right on the bottom row are Gliskupi and Skoscor!
Next is one of my more recent Pokefusions that I am still proud of, Squirtle and Bulbasaur!
Their names are Squirtasaur and Bulbtle!

 Lastly is a VERY recent one (i just finished it before beginning this blog) Tauros and Haxorus!
This one is meant to be a kind of mythical beast, Chimaera I believe?
Their names are Haxauros and Tauxorus!
From this point forward, whenever I post any more of these I will be doing only one at a time, but today to introduce the subject matter I am being generous!

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

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