Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I'm sorry!!!! (And Alpha Sapphire Review-ish)

   Hai gaiz.... It's Gone again.... I've been reading Homestuck (www.mspaintadventures.com) and kind of forgot about this blog to be honest. >m< Anyways, I got Pokemon Alpha Sapphire for Chirstmas so I guess I can talk about that...?

    I've only beaten the first gym due to my 3DS being glitchy as heck and making it more of a trite to play than a pleasure. But I digress.

   The game overall has been pretty fun so far. My starter was Mudkip and the DexNav feature is just encouraging me to complete my dex even more than just my urge to get the shiny charm in X. (Cuz udsgaehlbwafihsbcajiwg-ofcyalbnfjkebwauifgo;abfuo-shfuidhanjdbyufgohqd-lhiguodrfuin did it bug me that I didn't have that thing.)

   The ability to customize your character's appearance being removed was.... an intriguing choice for GameFreak to say the least. Once I beat X, I loved just making money to go waste it on clothes for my character that I probably will never/rarely use. It was a feature that I did enjoy so I'm not too crazy about it being taken out of ORAS.

  My character's father being a gym leader certainly fascinated me once I first came across it. A few questions came to mind. What role will this play in the story? Will I receive the gym badge from my character's father wether or not I defeat him just because my character is his daughter? Will my character's father being a gym leader cause the game's team of antagonists to target him? However, because (as stated previously) I haven't yet beaten this game, I do not know the answers to my questions. Yet. >:l

   Ernerher, I don't really have any more input for this post, to be honest. Thanks for reading! Keep on blogging, ~Gone

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