Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Ok, I know I just posted yesterday but I need to do a tiny update to my play-log of AS (and if you've been reading so far and you don't know what I'm talking about, AS is Alpha Sapphire...just in case).
   Today, I did what needed to be done: I replaced Pelli for a Spheal from Shoal Cave. Today, I went to Shoal Cave and I walked and surfed around till I found a Spheal, whom of which I caught and named Roly Poly. He soon evolved into a Sealeo and I desperately want the cute little glass cannon to evolve into an even bigger glass cannon. Oh well, at least the water type bulks him up a bit, Thick Fat is pretty good for an Ice-Type, and being a seal/walrus upon evolution, I must admit he has pretty good HP (or defense, can't remember which he had better \(-_-)/ ). Overall, I haven't done much in-game other than get lost after getting Roly Poly on my team and forget where I was supposed to be going in the first place xD But, other than that there's noting else I have to add in this update, so since this was a short one I will do some questions:

  1. What is you're current team in ORAS?
  2. Have you switched out any team member from earlier on in the game? If so, whom?
So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!


  1. I don't remember what my team is. I only remember that my starter is Mudkip and I caught basically everything after that. o3o

  2. I don't remember what my team is. I only remember that my starter is Mudkip and I caught basically everything after that. o3o
