Saturday, February 28, 2015


OK, I just wanted to say this quick to eliminate any possible misunderstandings:

    This blog is not going to become a blog just for drawings and splices. I will still continue to make regular Pokemon AS updates and the only reason I haven't made any in a while is because, well, I don't have anything to update about :/ But, I just wanted to make it clear just in case there were any concerns among the readers of this blog that there would be no more AS. I didn't get any concerns from anyone, but I just wanted to say this anyway so that I wouldn't have to do it later on. That's all!

   One other thing that may come up is that this blog, even though it's called The Pokemon People, doesn't have "people." It has one person who updates regularly (although without a schedule) and then there is the one who sometimes does something and the one who made a post introducing themselves and then forgot about this post, although I won't say who *cough* Ana *cough*. But I just want to remind everyone (or say for the first time, idk) that we are just a few 12-year-old girls who write some stuffz on the interwebz every now and again. We can't really guarantee a schedule because if we do, then if we either forget or can't post, then the people will be mad. And we can't have that! So, just be patient while I go to school and slap Ana a few times and tell her to post on my darn blog. Just kidding (not)!

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Okay, hi again guys and today I just wanted to add another drawing and talk about a little something going on.

   First of all, I recently drew another picture, this time of:

Whimsicott and Cottonee!

     It took me 2 days, but it could have been done in 1 if I had worked more vigilantly on it.

     The other thing I wanted to talk briefly about was the competition currently going on on Miiverse for Pokemon Art Academy. I am going to enter a few pictures on it and if you spot this picture, the Magnemite I posted last time, or an Absol I will post soon, be sure to give it a "Yeah!" if you like it! All "Yeah!"s are greatly appreciated, although I'm not sure if it effects if I will win the competition or not. \(-_-)/ Oh well, just drawing the pictures are fun anyway, even if I don't win OwO

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

Monday, February 16, 2015


OK, so in a previous post not only did I explain Pokemon Splices (and then post some) I also said that I would be posting some of the drawings I do in Pokemon Art Academy. Now, since when I make them they are saved to my SD card on my 3DS (which I just had to get a new one of because 2GB is not enough for 14 pages of 6 Pokemon drawings, not including the games I have downloaded/bought and the pictures I have taken) I do not have them on my computer. Therefore, I will be posting only drawings that I have already posted to Miiverse (account name prinzesslex1029) so don't check my account on there if you want to see a drawing on here, or vice versa.

     So today I shall be posting one of my favorite drawing that I have drawn completely freehand:

    This Pokemon drawing was suggested by our very own author, Anna! She said to draw a Magnemite and I went above and beyond with almost every tool in the game (except the marker). I hope you like it!

   So, this is the kind of thing I meant when I said Pokemon Drawings, and hopefully this will be a welcome addition to the TPP lineup.

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Ok, so last time I said that I would try to post more often by posting splices and drawings of Pokemon. Most of the time, I will only be doing one per post every once in a while. Now, my computer has a virus so I won't be able to use it and I haven't been; right now I am at my dad's house. But, today I shall post a few Pokefusions/splices to show off what exactly they are:

First is one of my personal favorites of my work, a combo of Gliscor and Skorupi!
Their names, from left to right on the bottom row are Gliskupi and Skoscor!
Next is one of my more recent Pokefusions that I am still proud of, Squirtle and Bulbasaur!
Their names are Squirtasaur and Bulbtle!

 Lastly is a VERY recent one (i just finished it before beginning this blog) Tauros and Haxorus!
This one is meant to be a kind of mythical beast, Chimaera I believe?
Their names are Haxauros and Tauxorus!
From this point forward, whenever I post any more of these I will be doing only one at a time, but today to introduce the subject matter I am being generous!

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

Friday, February 6, 2015


Hello again, it's me, Lex, and I have an announcement to make:
I am adding a few things to The Pokemon People. No, not people, THINGS.

By this I mean that I am going to be adding a few more, say, segments? I don't know what to call it, but what I'm trying to say is I will be doing some new things in my posts. These things (not people) are drawings of Pokemon and splices of Pokemon.

All of my drawings of Pokemon will be electronically drawn on a game by Nintendo/Game Freak called Pokemon Art Academy, where the only thing you do is DRAW and I LOVE it. If you don't know, I LOVE to draw and I LOVE Pokemon, so obviously a game where all you do is draw Pokemon is going to draw (eh, eh? Get it? Draawww?) my attention. I have had the game since it came out and have been drawing up a storm, both on the lessons that teach you how to draw Pokemon as well as Free Paint, where you can (don't have to) use a subject image and draw that Pokemon. You can also use no image or an image from your SD card. Some of the drawings I have done over the past few months I have used an outline to trace, some I have drawn freehand with a subject image, and some I have done completely freehand in my own pose with nothing but other original drawings and the official artwork. PHEW. That was a lot to say, well, type. You know what I mean.

The other thing that I mentioned was "Pokemon Splicing." This may be a new subject to some and it may be preschool stuff to others, but I will say anyways. Pokemon Splicing, sometimes called PokeFusions, are when the sprites (pixels that make up and image, usually in a video game) of two or more Pokemon are cut, copied, and pasted together to make a new Pokemon combination. This is a hobby of mine that I have recently taken up and I must admit I'm not that great at it, but you don't have to be good at something to like it! I will be posting some of these on this blog now so it will have not only more posts but also more interesting posts that will attract more people and give entertainment to a wider range of people in the world.

I hope that I can make my first drawing/splice post soon and that it will become a new staple in The Pokemon People for years to come (or however long this lasts). For drawings I have already done, check out my account on Miiverse (Nintendo's social media website that can be accessed from a computer, Wii U, or a system in the 3DS family) which is LexeeRayne, prinzesslex1029. My two other accounts, LexeeRayne, Espeonizzle, and LexeeRayne, Espeonizzle_2, are not usually posted on and will certainly not have any Pokemon related stuff unless they release a Pokemon game for the Wii U that I buy.

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!