Saturday, November 1, 2014


Alrighty. Welp, there has been no new news on ORAS or Pokemon in general. This is upsetting not only to me, but to my blog as I have NO idea what to post and not posting blogs on a blog is quite boring. So...What now?

I guess since there's nothing to talk about I can just go straight to the end of my blog. Maybe from now on if nothing new happens I can just Make a little update blog if I can. So that's what I'm doing now:

  • What was the first Pokemon game you got?
  • What was the first Pokemon you got?

So, that's ALL I have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!


  1. my first pokemon game was pokemon white ver., and my first pokemon was oshawott.

    1. CONGRATS!!! You are the first person other than an author to comment on this blog!!! This is a fantastic day, we need a way to celebrate xD thanks for reading this, it seriously means a lot to me =^D
