Friday, November 7, 2014

Mystery Dungeon?

OK, it's Lex again. I was recently at GameStop looking through the used DS games, when I saw that one case was ENTIRELY devoted to Pokemon. Well, most of those games, although used and with money off cuz we have a pro card, were EXTREMELY expensive. But then I saw that there was a little something called "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team." It was only 16 bucks and I had heard of it, although the only commercial I'd seen was the "Gates to Infinity" commercial with the catchy song (although not as catchy as the "Kirby: Triple Deluxe" commercial). So, I got it and started playing it as soon as I left the mall and I fell in love! The game starts out with a questionnaire with some questions about heroism and such, like "Your friend is being bullied! What do you do? Do you: A) Help without hesitation B) Help, even if scared C) Get an adult first D) Walk away without doing anything" and things like that. Keep in mind this game was made before Gen 4 but after Gen 3. So after a bunch of questions like this one, you are told what Pokemon you are: One of the starters from Gen 1, Gen 2, or Gen 3 (or Pikachu). I am a Charmander! After this, you choose your partner from all of the things that you could have become, except for the ones that are the same type as you. I chose Bulbasaur and named her DINA (I name them all in all caps so it can be more easily distinguished from the dialogue). After this you wake up, wondering how you became a Pokemon since you remember you were a human, and then you have to rescue a Butterfree's baby Caterpie from a chasm that opened up in the ground. This consists of many floors of weak Pokemon that Caterpie, the Butterfree mother rewards you with 100 Poke (money) and an Oran Berry. Your partner than shows you a place to stay and asks if you'd like to form a rescue team (I named mine the POKEGUILD) and then the game proceeds with you taking rescue offers and you and your partner rescuing the Pokemon and being rewarded. This is pretty much the main game, And I LOVE it.

So, my annual questions for today are:

  • Do you have any "Mystery Dungeon" games?
  • Do you want any "Mystery Dungeon" games?
  • What Pokemon are you (if you have the game) or which do you think you'd be (if you don't)?
Well, those are the questions, please leave your answers in the comments below. 

So, that's all I have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

1 comment:

  1. Good questions, my fellow pokemon person!
    My Answers:
    I have a few questions for you!
    -Do you wanna kill a titan?
    -POPIPO!!! Yes or no?
    -Do you wanna build a snowman? xD
    Peace off ~Gone
