Sunday, November 23, 2014

OK, this is Lex and sorry for not posting yesterday like I said... I'm just SOO hooked to this game and I don't want to stop to talk about it!

So, as I said in a REALLY early post, I picked Treecko (now a Grovyle) and his name is Vynes. Right now my team consists of Vynes, a Dustox named Preydator, a Ralts named Ballerina, a Zigzagoon named Harley, a Poochyena named Fang, and a Wingull named Pelli. I have gotten to the contests and have been doing them for about half and hour to an hour now. I have won the cuteness contest with Preydator, and the coolness contests with Vynes once and Cool Cosplay Pikachu once.

I will post more as more happens. So far I haven't encountered much, like twice from Team Aqua and only one challenge from Branden (rival). So I will update this blog MUCH more often, maybe even daily. But, we'll see as it happens.

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

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