Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Hi, this will be another short blog...I figure it's better for me to do often short blogs rather than massive blogs like once a year xD

     Anyway, I just wanted to say that Roly Poly evolved into a Walrein with a magnificent moustache! I beat Wallace and saved the world from Kyorge, killing it in the process...and I only cried for an hour! Haha, just kidding I just gasped in sadness and closed my 3DS for about five minutes before returning...*sigh*. But, I have yet to challenge the Elite Four and Champion because with all the switch outs I did late-game, half my Pokemon are WAAAY under-leveled, so I'm gonna have to grind. UGH! At the moment, I am standing in the middle of nowhere Super-Training all my Pokes so they can be the very best, like no one ever was.

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on  The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Ok, I know I just posted yesterday but I need to do a tiny update to my play-log of AS (and if you've been reading so far and you don't know what I'm talking about, AS is Alpha Sapphire...just in case).
   Today, I did what needed to be done: I replaced Pelli for a Spheal from Shoal Cave. Today, I went to Shoal Cave and I walked and surfed around till I found a Spheal, whom of which I caught and named Roly Poly. He soon evolved into a Sealeo and I desperately want the cute little glass cannon to evolve into an even bigger glass cannon. Oh well, at least the water type bulks him up a bit, Thick Fat is pretty good for an Ice-Type, and being a seal/walrus upon evolution, I must admit he has pretty good HP (or defense, can't remember which he had better \(-_-)/ ). Overall, I haven't done much in-game other than get lost after getting Roly Poly on my team and forget where I was supposed to be going in the first place xD But, other than that there's noting else I have to add in this update, so since this was a short one I will do some questions:

  1. What is you're current team in ORAS?
  2. Have you switched out any team member from earlier on in the game? If so, whom?
So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

Monday, January 19, 2015


Ok, FINALLY! What you've all been waiting for...a post from me cuz I have neglected you all for sooo long. A lot has been going on and I decided that I should be nice to you all for once rather than be gone (haha) for such a long time *even though i did tell you in a previous post -_-*

   But I digress...AS has been a BLAST to play, and although I still haven't finished it (due to other things [Pokemon Art Academy... AKA: My LIFE]), I honestly don't want it to end. Just today I finally caught an Absol to replace my worn down Mightyena Fang (just not as powerful as almighty Absol) and named her Eclipse. Pelli (my Wingull) has evolved into a Pelipper and I'm thinking of possibly, maybe replacing her for a Walrein; Even though it has been a pain trying to level up Eclipse from her puny state of level 28 up to the 40's with the rest of my team (excluding one...). Harley has sadly been retired for a Numel named Arabia who today evolved into a Camerupt. She is the only other Pokemon on my team right now who isn't in the 40's (level 36). The rest of my team is about the same, except Vynes has evolved once again into a Sceptile and I now have a Latias I named Senorita courtesy of Steven and the Latios. Preydator my Dustox hasn't changed, other than the fact that he has learned Bug Buzz in exchange for Silver Wind. So, overall, my team is:

  • Eclipse, level 32 Absol
  • Arabia, level 36 Camerupt
  • Senorita, level 40 Latias
  • Pelli, level 43 Pelipper
  • Preydator, level 43 Dustox
  • Vynes, level 47 Sceptile

   For the rest of the game (other than my team) I just beat the 7th gym leaders Liza and Tate, who specialized in Psychic type. Overall, the battle was, well, underwhelming. Sure, I understand that when RS came out they had just then introduced double battles so they wanted to do something with it, so they made gym leaders for it, I get it, and I also want another gym to do this. I found it interesting, fun, and overall clever and a great way to introduce the concept. And, of course, for the remake you have to keep the same gym leaders with possibly updated designs. All of this is great and all, but they only had 2 Pokemon. Not 2 Pokemon each, 2 Pokemon total. This would have been great as, I don't know, the first or even second gym leader, I'm pushing it. But the 7TH GYM ONLY HAS TWO POKEMON?!?!?! This is just, UGH! It was so incredibly easy I hardly believed it. Sure, this is a kid's game and I myself am a kid, but this is redonkulous! The second to last gym, penultimate if you want to be classy, was even easier than the third gym. THE THIRD GYM!!! Yea, I see that they are kids (I thought you had to be ten to get a Pokemon (never mind be a gym leader), unless maybe you got one that's super low level from family, something like Youngster Joey and his STUPID RATTATA!!!), but if they are easy why are they leading up to the last gym, why are they so close to the Pokemon League?! Game Freak, you done goofed. I just-I just-I don't know...I just don't understand why Liza and Tate are supposed to be somewhat hard. I didn't even have anything to counter them other than Miss Under-Leveled Eclipse and Preydator, who is not only super-effective against but also weak to Psychic-types, so that wouldn't really help me all that much...but I still had no trouble taking down these stupid little third-graders (or whatever the heck they are). When I first saw that there were two gym leaders I was surprised and wicked excited, but I...just, NO. In, conclusion, the easiest way to say this is that I am really disappointed with these gym leaders, but they would have made a great gym earlier on in the game.

   Whew, now that that's over lemme just calm down for a sec...ok I think I'm alright now. Took me so long, I think I'm at that point where I should end off this ranty edition of TPP.

So that's all we have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I'm sorry!!!! (And Alpha Sapphire Review-ish)

   Hai gaiz.... It's Gone again.... I've been reading Homestuck (www.mspaintadventures.com) and kind of forgot about this blog to be honest. >m< Anyways, I got Pokemon Alpha Sapphire for Chirstmas so I guess I can talk about that...?

    I've only beaten the first gym due to my 3DS being glitchy as heck and making it more of a trite to play than a pleasure. But I digress.

   The game overall has been pretty fun so far. My starter was Mudkip and the DexNav feature is just encouraging me to complete my dex even more than just my urge to get the shiny charm in X. (Cuz udsgaehlbwafihsbcajiwg-ofcyalbnfjkebwauifgo;abfuo-shfuidhanjdbyufgohqd-lhiguodrfuin did it bug me that I didn't have that thing.)

   The ability to customize your character's appearance being removed was.... an intriguing choice for GameFreak to say the least. Once I beat X, I loved just making money to go waste it on clothes for my character that I probably will never/rarely use. It was a feature that I did enjoy so I'm not too crazy about it being taken out of ORAS.

  My character's father being a gym leader certainly fascinated me once I first came across it. A few questions came to mind. What role will this play in the story? Will I receive the gym badge from my character's father wether or not I defeat him just because my character is his daughter? Will my character's father being a gym leader cause the game's team of antagonists to target him? However, because (as stated previously) I haven't yet beaten this game, I do not know the answers to my questions. Yet. >:l

   Ernerher, I don't really have any more input for this post, to be honest. Thanks for reading! Keep on blogging, ~Gone