Friday, July 17, 2015


Ugh... <facepalm> Why have I done this to myself??? I waited so long from posting I SRYZ til now that I've pretty much forgotten about what the heck happened in the Delta Episode...Give me a sec I'll look it up online..... OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO

        Okay! I got Serebii open in another tab so I can try to refresh my memory. Let's start...

        The Delta Episode starts off with Prof. Cozmo in Mossdeep Space Center being alerted that there is a meteoroid hurtling straight for the Hoenn region, to be more specific, a place off the course of Route 131. A grunt (for me an Aqua Grunt because I play AS, as you may know) is seen taking off her uniform, which somehow was able to have Zinnia's outfit perfectly fine underneath.
         You spawn (as the previous has all been a cutscene) in your bedroom. When you go downstairs your dad gives you 2 tickets to the Star Show, and says that you should bring your rival (for me Brendan) with you. When you go out the door to go to your rival's house, Zinnia is there to greet you. She's like, "Hey what's up, I'm Zinnia," and then kinda bails. When you get to your rival's house they say that a woman, obviously Zinnia, took their Keystone by attacking them then bailed once again to go to Petalburg City for some reason. When you get there Courtney or Matt will be there confronting Wally because they want his Keystone. Everyone is too lazy to get their own Keystone, apparently, and just go to random people's houses hoping that they have a Keystone for them to take. Nice, real nice. When they see you they will want YOUR Keystone too. Nice, real nice. So you battle it out until you ultimately win because they only have one Pokemon, to which they respond by telling you exactly where they are going and what you should do to defeat them in the process. Why not just tell me where it hurts the most when I hit you and what you had for lunch, too. Oh yeah, also, turns out someone already took Wally's Keystone anyway...I wonder who, I just can't seem to figure out this confusing and puzzling problem at hand?

        Next off, in Rustboro, Steven is all like, "Hey, you again! Listen to me tell you something because I never stop talking to you about things you probably don't care about!" and proceeds to do just that. So he tells me about that thing from X and Y about the war and the great weapon from 3000 years ago made by AZ. So, to make sure his lineage stays in every good story, says  that his grandfather used the story to somehow make Infinity Energy, somehow. Then he's all like, "Oh yea, and there is also a meteoroid that is hurtling towards Hoenn that will most likely kill all of us. Go fix it because I am so incapable of doing it myself that I must have a 10-12 year old do it for me."

     So on your journey you go to Granite Cave because Steven mentioned that too. Zinnia is looking at that same thing the Steven was looking that, which worries me because I don't want her to have the same role as dependant-Steven over here. Ya battle her team of Tyrantrum, Salamence, and Goodra (all of which are Dragon Types) and beat her because you are just that awesome. She gives you that shard thing you were supposed to get for Devon Corp that you already probably forgot about. So you go to Mossdeep and give the thing to the person to further progress the story, Now you have to go to Meteor Falls to get another one of those shard things. Steven is there, AGAIN, and then you talk to this lady that has nothing to do with Zinnia at all. She tells you things that you probably don't listen to about Rayquaza and stuff and you're just waiting for the opportunity to get one.

      Go to Rustboro, beat the grunts, leave Rustboro.

      Go to Mossdeep, beat a horde of Mightyena, beat Team Admin, Zinnia says something Game-Theory-Esque stuff that makes all the Pokemon Theorists tear their hair out. But I get it...
 So pretty much there's the universe that has Mega Evolution, which most likely includes X and Y and ORAS. The other generations go into the OTHER universe that doesn't have Mega Evolutions, including RSE. That's what I got out of it anyway. So after that enlightening conversation, she goes back to her roots and Zinnia STEALS THE ADMINS KEY STONE. So you go to the Hideout and beat some guys, then you find Zinnia (she really gets around) beating the Boss and the other Admin, who then gives you the Mega Stone for whichever Pokemon they specialize in (Sharpedonite for TA and Cameruptite for TM). Go BACK to Mossdeep, then to the Cave of Origin with Wallace to break the seal of the Sky Pillar.  You learn that apparently the tree outside the Cave of Origin was a gift from a huge man from the Kalos region, obviously AZ, and if you look closely the flower from AZ's special Floette can be seen in the patch around the tree.
     Battle Wallace, and go into the Sky Pillar. As you climb Zinnia will tell a story that I don't feel like explaining because this is too long anyways. Capture Rayquaza and Zinnia will teach it Dragon Ascent. She challenges you with a full team of dragons, one of which being Mega Salamence. DO you defeat Zinnia, put on your suit from when you did that thing with Groudon/Kyogre, and go into space to break that meteoroid. SUDDENLY, DEOXYS!!!!! Things happen and then you have a romantic moment with your rival or whatever. The End.

So that's all for today, read again next time on the Pokemon People! Buhbai!


Yea.....remember that last time when I said I was sorry for not publishing anything for a while....then I wrote a cliffhanger....then I waited even longer than I did in between the two I was really sorry about to write the continuation of the cliffhanger? (Oh no, I'm turning into Game Theory!!! xD) Yea, it's okay, I hate me too.

To be  fair and honest the only reason I never published it was because I was working really hard on describing everything all nice and perfect, I even had Serebii up and everything, and it was taking a LONG TIME. But then.... I accidently clicked the 'page back' button on the side of my mouse because it's right where I put my thumb! How could I NOT click it all the time? Sooo, I lost my progress and I had to start over. Luckily I hadn't done a whole lot, and I had saved when I finished the opening paragraph so I didn't have to start ALL over. But then....I was almost done with the blog....when I did it again. UGH why am I so dumb? I mean, I think that's what happened anyway, it was quite some time ago. But to any of my possible readers, I don't even know if people read this thing, I can't bring myself thru that again. It was SOOO long anyways and for what? I don't even know if anyone reads this blog....

But I will continue! Just not continue my to be continued because that was SOOOOO long. But don't worry, because if you do read this, I will try to post more often. It IS summer, so I can't even say that school is getting in the way like I could before. But alas, I just hope someone reads this. =^w^=

EDIT: Okay so I will post at least SOME of the Delta Episode stuff because I found some stuff lifet over in my drafts that is salvageable! So look forward to that!

So that's all for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!