Saturday, October 25, 2014


Hey guys, I'm back and I want to announce a few changes. (Already?) I know, right? Well I found out that there was a website called Pokemon Plus so I decided to change the name of the Blog to The Pokemon People. That also means something else though - that there will be more than one author adding posts! Yes, I will soon be adding more friends to make posts on this Blog so posts will be added more often since we have different schedules. I just emailed her and asked if she would and since it's been less than five minutes I have no response yet, but I will have many people adding to The Pokemon People soon enough.

Okay, so a couple days ago when I first made this Blog, I talked about the Demo version for Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire but I hadn't finished yet. Well, I got my Glalie and named her Allie (seemed fitting) and completed the Demo 10 times so I could get all the things you can get to transfer to ORAS when it comes out. It was fun, I like the new interface and icons when battling, and competitions seem SO KEWL! Now, I haven't played Ruby/Sapphire, but there is NO DOUBT  that I'll be playing ORAS since I have already had it preordered (well, my Grammy and Papa preordered it for my birthday coming up BEFORE ORAS comes out) and I will play it the day it comes out, the next day for shipping maybe.

You know, when I was thinking about what I was going to choose for my starter in ORAS, (Alpha Sapphire for me) I found it hard to choose. They all had their own pros and cons, but I couldn't decide which was best for me. Now, I do not like Pokemon that ultimately have just one type, because it's not very effective on a team when you could have a maximum type coverage of 12 types per team. So you would think that Treecko would be out, right? Well, Sceptile is special because he gets a Mega Evolution that gives him the Dragon type, overall making him have 2 types. After making a pros and cons list during Social Studies when Mr. Arruda wasn't looking, I actually ended up picking Treecko overall because he had a score of 1, while Mudkip had 0 and Torchic had -1. But for most people, it's a lot easier than that. So what have/will you choose for ORAS? Tell me in the comment section below!

So that's all I have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Heyo! I'm a super-huge Pokemon nerd and I can't wait to tell everyone ALL about it!

First of all, I'm Lex. (Hi, Lex) How are you today (Good, how are you?) Oh, you guys. I'm fine, thanks for asking! Anyway, this Blog will be all about Pokemon, me playing Pokemon, and all that other stuff.  So let's get RIGHT into it!

First of all: OMEGA RUBY AND ALPHA SAPPHIRE!!!! Everyone who's anyone is excited about ORAS and I'm definitely someone who's anyone. I'm sure if you're reading this you've heard of all the new Mega Evolutions, and here's a link if you don't know them all by heart like I do:
There's all of them for ya right there /\

I recently (like, an hour ago) got the ORAS Demo for the 3DS (since I have an account on and an email adress, they sent me a code to put into the Nintendo 3DS EShop) and I noticed a few things.

When I watched the GameXplain playthrough it was different from mine, since when he played it Steven and Orlando (lol your character) rode on Latias, but when I played it they rode on Latios. Small difference, but still noticeable.

One funny thing I found was that the new SNEAKING ability could be stopped by pressing and holding the B button to sprint. But if you rapidly press the B button while sneaking, it looks like Orlando is hopping on one foot >w< It's so funny looking. It's best seen from the back going up on the screen. I found this HILARIOUS and couldn't find anything else about it on the internet, which I found weird because people have already hacked the ORAS demo to find what's hidden inside, but they didn't find out that if you press this button fast you hop around like a Lopunny!

Now more talk about Mega Evolutions. I have a few questions:

  • What is your favorite Mega from X and Y?
  • What is your favorite coming out in ORAS?
Not only are Mega Evolutions cool, we wouldn't have them without regular plain old Pokemon. So I have a few questions about them, too:

  • What is your favorite Pokemon?
  • What is your favorite Pokemon game? 
  • What is/was your team from your favorite Pokemon game?
Now my answers:

  • My fav Mega from X/Y is a tie between Mega Mawile, Mega Banette, and Mega Ampharos
  • My fav Mega coming out is a tie between Mega Altaria and Mega Slowbro
  • My fav Pokemon is Espeon
  • My fav game HAS to be X because it's the only one I have (But i can name any Pokemon pic you show me, I'm no wimp)
  • My team in X is an Azumarill (lvl 100!!!) named Stronger, a Drifblim named Kidnapper, a Haxorus (I got him from Wonder Trade as an Axew on like day 3 of playing), a Vileplume named Weirdo, a Blastoise named Kanto, and my starter was a Fennekin, evolved into a Delphox that I named Mozilla
So that's all I have for today, read again next time on The Pokemon People! Buhbai!