Tuesday, September 22, 2015


    Sooooo....sorry..? I've been neglecting you guys so much, this is just something I can't commit to. Don't click away! I'm not shutting this down, no sirree. But I do have some stuff to talk about, blog-wise and Pokemon news-wise.

    I bet everyone by now has heard of "Pokemon Z," but it still hasn't been confirmed DESPITE what the internet may tell you. But now is as good a time as any to believe that because the new season of the anime has been announced and it's called "XY and Z." Okay, now you're not even trying to make it a secret anymore, if you're making a game just tell us PLZ. But we got some new stuff with this, that being that big shadow thing that everyone thought was a new Zygarde forme...oh wait yea they were right. I mean, I WAS RIGHT because I hopped on that bandwagon before it even came into the station. Thx Serebii! =^w^=  So, we also got Bob the Blob after that, and everyone thought THAT was a new Zygarde forme too...oh wait yea they were right. I mean, I WAS RI- wait I already said that. So then Coro Coro's all like, "LOOK MORE STUFF! FEED MY BABIES, FEED!" and we got two additional Zygarde formes, as well as the confirmation of the first 2 being Zygarde things. SO I guess they're technically not FORMES, but they are parts of Zygarde. Lemme run through this:

  • There's Zygarde Cell, the flat things that look like Cores that were run over and all their bodily fluids were just squeezed out until they became transparent. 
  • There's Zygarde Core (Bob the Blob), and they are the brains of all the other forms except Cell. They are positioned all around and act as security cameras of Kalos, or maybe even the world!
  • Then is Zygarde 10%, which is a speedy dog made when 10% of the Cores come together.
  • Then is Zygarde 50%, which is the one we all know and ha-LOVE! He watches the Kalos region from within his cave using the security camera Cores I talked about earlier, remember?
  • Then is Zygarde Perfect Forme, otherwise known as the menacing shadow thingy. It is only formed in desperate situations in which the world is at stake, which makes me wonder why it didn't come out and destroy the Ultimate Weapon in X and Y (or from 3000 years ago for that matter IDK iz all messed up. I think this may not be official but it might be...?)
   So now into the blog issue...
   I can't remember to ever post on here because I have a life and I'm very forgetful. I have to go to 7th grade now, which is kinda scary since I got into the advanced math class, Pre-Algebra. But even during the summer I only posted a few times because even though I have this blog as a favorite and can see it every time I open up Google Chrome and the entire time I'm using it. But I never think to check or post or anything and I don't know why. Another concern of mine is that even though I put so much time and effort into typing these often emotion filled posts, no one is reading them. Page views are few and far between and my record for the most amount of pageviews in one day when I never clicked on it (other than to check) was around 16. That is such a small number because no one wants to read this. No one goes in their search bar and thinks, "I'm gonna look up 'The Pokemon People,' this thing I have never heard of and am just thinking of now," and see it pop up and decide to read on. At least on something like Youtube there's the sidebar every time you watch something that shows you similar things, even if that video hasn't been viewed 2 million times. How do you think something goes viral? One person sees it and it spirals. But blogs are different...if you are reading a Pokemon blog or going on Bulbapedia or something there isn't gonna be a recommended websites to check out with my blog just chilling there. So I'm not sure if this rant of why I have to pageviews is even going to be read because I have no pageviews. I'm not sure what to do. I know that if I give up I will never get any, but I'm not really getting any even after I put so much effort into these posts that I DO do. So I'm stuck. If anyone reads this, please comment down below. Even if you have nothing to say, or never post anything, please just say some Dr. Seuss stuffz and pull a Horton Hears a Hoo and say "We are here." Anything will make me keep doing this, just to let me know that this isn't for nothing, please. If you read this, type something, ANYTHING, in the comments. I don't care what it is, even hate mail or something. Just to let me know that there are actually people out there who care. Thanks.

So that's all for today, read again  next time on the Pokemon People! Buhbai!